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I mean what can we say? Other than a bunch of puns about spreading seed and plowing.
I mean what can we say? Other than a bunch of puns about spreading seed and plowing.
If you subscribe to the belief that the shape of the starch component defines the dish, then a hot dog in a bun suddenly starts to enter taco territory. This radical form of classification is reminiscent of the whole 华硕AC68U梅林Merlin固件安装V2Ray离线安装包,梅林固件 ...:一直都在使用华硕AC68U的路由器,刷了梅林,总体来说非常好用。而至于富强工具,我也逐渐从酸酸乳过度到我更为喜欢的V2Ray,那么肯定也要让梅林固件吃上V2Ray。软件包及安装条件 当然该软件为tar.gz格式,不知道别的固件的路由器可伍使用不!. For some more Tumblr gems, here's some Tumblr gold harvested from Tumblr's rabbit holes.
Twitter user, @AngryManTV, shared a remarkable thread about his experience unearthing his grandfather's unexpected past. Turns out this guy's grandpa was a true unsung hero, who had a boxing career that was cut short due to pressure from the mob. You don't see stories like that everyday.
Karen should've just told the truth from the start, and also not put so much effort into making her coworker's life on the job, miserable. But no, Karen insisted on maintaining a personal vendetta against her coworker, and also lying about a back injury. Well karma came around to collect in the form of perfect timing. The very coworker she dragged down ended up spotting her at the pool hall that an injured person most certainly wouldn't be frequenting.
Oh boy, we're back at it again with a fresh collection of strange, hilarious, and completely unexpected Tumblr gems. The Tumblr community never fails to keep us on our toes with their wild rabbit holes and long winded fan theories. For some more gold from Tumblr check out these random cowboy phrases that made for great life advice, and also there's another fun Tumblr thread on a legendary bus catching story.
This powerful Twitter thread focuses on the importance of setting personal boundaries with others around you, and adapting accordingly when those boundaries aren't respected. This woman's mom sounds like an awesome human being. You can see the positive impact that this mom's parenting approach had as the young woman grew up and faced other situations in life where her personal boundaries weren't being respected.
We love a good revenge tale of a shady, cheap landlord getting it in the end. In this case, the landlord tried to rip the tenant off for $400, and they end up having to pay over $6K. Now that is what I'm talking about.
Life just loves to be difficult. If things are running smoothly it's only a matter of time before a new obstacle, an unwanted curveball presents itself. If you're currently navigating a frustrating life situation, these particularly sucky moments might help ease your pain by observing other people's unfortunate fails.
Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the unforgettable compliments that people received. We're all just trying to make it through the day with the least amount of fails as possible. When we receive those spontaneous, occasional morale boosts from kind strangers and friends alike it can work wonders for lifting up the spirits.
It sucks when a roommate steals your stuff. It sucks more when they deny it. That said, if they do deny it, that means that they shouldn't have any problem with the food you choose to buy, right? For more tales of food thieves, here's an office food thief that got caught by a nanny cam as well as a frustrating and unbelievably entitled coworker who demanded a party and took the leftovers.
These choosing beggars just keep on coming with their unyielding and wildly irrational demands. This time we've got a choosing beggar asking for a free PC (cause that's reasonable..), and getting properly trolled thereafter.
Like people, dogs can easily pick up a on patterns. They might not know exactly why something works, they just learn that something DOES work and they keep doing that. Pretty much exactly like people. For another smart dog, here's an intriguing Tumblr thread about a dog who learned how to herd a lawn roomba.
Nothing worse than a toxic neighbor. Eh, maybe a toxic roommate. That being said, this rotten neighbor certainly had it coming. They were spreading all kinds of unwanted chaos around the building, and ultimately they end up learning their lesson. Yes, to have seen the look on that woman's face when she learned about the fate of the washer and dryer would've been too sweet.
Kev thought he'd be all sneaky, and go and promote his own music instead of the band's at his dad's wedding. The wedding was supposed to be stocked with music industry people, so Kev seemed to be taking his big shot. Well, the band picked up wind of what was going on, and managed to put together a very different CD featuring a parrot that just wanted the world to hear its song. The band managed to swap their CD for Kev's before the wedding, and the rest is history. Can't imagine the mortified look on Kev's face when that Parrot started belting it out.
What better way to show your everlasting love than a quick photo edit of you in your beloved's pocket, or kissing on a swan? We don't know why this is a trend, nor do we care, but we do like to see the commitment to the craft. For another creative use of photoshop here's a guy trolling a scammer with his photoshop skills.
Sure there are some words that are consistently difficult to spell, but there are some obvious 华硕AC68U梅林Merlin固件安装V2Ray离线安装包,梅林固件 ...:一直都在使用华硕AC68U的路由器,刷了梅林,总体来说非常好用。而至于富强工具,我也逐渐从酸酸乳过度到我更为喜欢的V2Ray,那么肯定也要让梅林固件吃上V2Ray。软件包及安装条件 当然该软件为tar.gz格式,不知道别的固件的路由器可伍使用不! Sometimes people's made up spellings sort of make sense. Usually they don't. These are 免费手机游戏_变态手机游戏免费下载_安卓游戏破解版下载 ...:2021-6-14 · 全国最大的免费手机游戏下载网站,提供安卓破解版手机游戏、变态手机游戏公益服、手游私服,无限元宝钻石服,免费安卓破解 ....